Community engagement for clean heat
Welcome to the ConnectHeat Newsletter!

This is the second issue of the ConnectHeat project newsletter! You will find information about our latest achievements, news and results. Do not forget to follow us on the project LinkedIn page and website and support us in decarbonising European heating & cooling.



ConnectHeat Project Team

About the project


ConnectHeat is the first EU initiative aiming to develop heating and cooling (H&C) communities to enhance renewable energy adoption and improve energy efficiency of H&C across Europe. It will implement pilot cases in seven diverse regions, putting citizens and public authorities at the heart of the energy transition. The project will offer an exciting set of activities including various tools, open workshops, webinars and dissemination events around H&C communities.


Warmer together: Renewable heating & cooling for energy communities

In Europe, heating and cooling are responsible for more than 50% of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and, although the decarbonisation of heating and cooling is underway, progress has been slow and about 75% of the energy consumption is still produced with fossil fuels. Thermal communities can help Europe accelerate the green transition but the regulatory framework is lagging behind. Find out more in our article!



Croatia will launch the first Energy Community Gateway under EU Project Shares

In a monumental stride towards sustainable energy solutions, Croatia is set to pioneer the first-ever Gateway about Energy Community, as part of the EU-funded project Shares. This national online platform is poised to revolutionise the dissemination of information surrounding energy communities, renewable energy sources, and other forms of civic energy. Learn more in our article!


Third project meeting in the Canary Islands


The ConnectHeat consortium partners gathered in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, at the premises of Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias to celebrate the first year of the project which has been very rich both in results and activities!


Catch up on our first Train the Trainers session 

Our first 'Train the trainers' session took place on 19 September and explored the topic of ‘Local communities and stakeholder engagement and scouting procedures’. Catch up on it by viewing the presentations and the recording!


Discover the ConnectHeat leaflet


Your guide to sustainable H&C communities! Have a look at our  ConnectHeat leaflet available in eight languages to learn more about the project objectives, approaches, activities and tools. 


News from our sister projects

No need to reinvent the energy community wheel


The LIFE LOOP project has just released a collection of great and useful tools and publications that can help anyone getting active in community energy. Whether you want to know how to best set up a team around your idea, how to bring in diversity or what business approach would be best… Check out the resources – it may help you avoid mistakes and save a whole lot of time!


Glimpse into the LIFE TANDEMS project


TANDEMS will develop and test models of cooperation between citizens, local governments and energy communities. In doing so, new ways of partnerships and collaboration methods will be explored and reviewed. Starting from a local level but throughout different regions in Europe will allow the TANDEMS project to build up a wide supporting framework for community energy, which can be widely replicated in the EU. The project will produce a lot of interesting resources, materials and news so make sure to follow its journey!

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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