On November 13, ConnectHeat hosted the final webinar in its capacity-building series: Innovative Financing and Business Models for Thermal Communities. Organized by Euroheat & Power with support from FEDARENE and Ambiente Italia, this event marked the culmination of a three-part series aimed at fostering knowledge exchange and replicating successful approaches in thermal energy projects across ...
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On October 31, ConnectHeat hosted its second webinar in the series, The Social Aspect in Heating Communities: Getting People Onboard. Organized by Euroheat & Power with support from FEDARENE and Ambiente Italia, this event was part of EU-wide efforts to build capacity and replicate successful models in thermal energy communities. Moderated by Martin Stroleny, Innovation ...
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On Tuesday, September 24, BUILD UP, in collaboration with the ConnectHeat project, hosted a webinar on “Thermal Communities and Citizen-Led Initiatives for Sustainable Buildings” co-organized with FEDARENE, Ambiente Italia, and Euroheat & Power. The session highlighted ConnectHeat’s role in raising awareness on thermal communities, exploring various models, and presenting the current EU policy framework on ...
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ConnectHeat is dedicated to enhancing capacities and promoting the dissemination of knowledge. In line with these goals, ConnectHeat is excited to announce a 3-episode webinar series titled “Thermal Communities: Unveiling the Potential,” set to take place from September to October 2024. This series is designed to bolster capacity-building among our partners, focusing on community energy ...
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Heating and cooling account for roughly 50% of EU energy consumption with more than 75% come from fossil fuels. Renewable and clean heating and cooling is a key enabler for a sustainable energy transition towards decarbonisation and energy autonomy in the current energy crisis. Increasing energy efficiency and sustainability of this sector is necessary to ...
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One of the key objectives of the ConnectHeat projects is to increase expertise and know-how on feasibility and sustainability of community energy initiatives of both key local stakeholders and the consortium partners (trainers) themselves. To build capacity of the consortium partners, ConnectHeat has organised a holistic series of five online “Train the Trainers” workshops covering ...
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In a monumental stride towards sustainable energy solutions, Croatia is set to pioneer the first-ever Gateway about Energy Community, as part of the EU project Shares. This national online platform is poised to revolutionise the dissemination of information surrounding energy communities, renewable energy sources, and other forms of civic energy. The ConnectHeat initiative will play ...
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Authors: Chiara Lazzari, Riccardo Battisti, both Senior Project Managers at Ambiente Italia, Milan/Italy and coordinators of the ConnectHeat project Heating & cooling in the energy transition In Europe, heating and cooling are responsible for more than 50% of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and, although the decarbonisation of heating and cooling is underway, progress ...
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The ConnectHeat project kicked off in October to accelerate the decarbonisation of heating and cooling through an EU-wide implementation of citizen-led and energy community initiatives. ConnectHeat (full name: Community engagement for clean heat) will improve and build the capacities of public authorities to trigger innovative community energy initiatives through local participative and cooperative processes leading ...
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