May 17, 2023

The scope of D.2.1 is to report on the initial survey carried out at project pilot area level. The survey includes: 1) Assessment of the national and regional legislation framework and of the level of implementation of the RED II and other relevant EU Directives; 2) Assessment of the regional and local strategies (SECAPs and similar plans), of the market status and of the available supporting schemes also detecting possible links to community energy and/or cooperative processes; 3) Evaluation of the level of skills of the Public Administrations and decision makers in designing and implementing H&C strategies, in engaging local communities, in setting up and supporting citizen-led initiatives also through detection of best practices and ongoing initiatives; 4) Analysis of the local energy systems(H&C demand and offer, use of renewables and waste heat, diffusion of district heating networks and preliminary detection of possible territorial ‘hot spots’ for energy community initiatives.

A mapping and involvement (through questionnaires and/or interviews) of local relevant actors is also included in the survey, to understand their relations and interactions with the H&C context and community energy topics, their know how, awareness, possible commitment and role in local projects.

Find below the different seven reports (1 per target areas).

Written by Martin Stroleny