Find below the links to download the presentations and the recording from two webinars on our second ‘Train the trainers’ session exploring the topic of ‘Technological framework’. The second session was divided into two parts: the first took place on 23 October 2023, the second one on 30 November 2023.
The first part represented an opportunity to analyse and discuss various technologies that contributed to decarbonizing H&C systems, with a focus on biomass and solar energy solutions for heating and cooling systems. The second session focused on heat pump devices. Both sessions provided insights and knowledge about different technological solutions and their integration into community energy solutions. The sessions delved into the functionality, benefits, and potential applications of these technologies, fostering a deeper understanding of their role in achieving sustainable and efficient H&C solutions.
Click on each link to download specific presentations:
- Biomass for heating and cooling systems– Christian Ramerstorfer, AEE INTEC
- Solar Thermal District Heating Opportunities– Christian Holter, SOLID
To view the recording see below:
Click on each link to download specific presentations:
- Absorption heat pumps in theory and practice – Harald Blazek, Steps Ahead
- Geothermal energy – Arne Komposch, wwplus
- Waste heat – Gabriele Pesce, Euroheat & Power
To view the recording see below: